Just a quickie to share a tweak I had to make to my xmonad.hs
. Not sure if there's a better way to do this, but hey.
The goal was to finally, actually get working hibernation on my laptop. I usually use it in short bursts, so I just got used to shutting it down between sessions. However, I recently started using a work laptop running Windows 7 and hibernation has been useful there[1], and I'll be damned if the non-free shitbox is going to have a mildly useful feature that my machine doesn't.
The way you get a Debian machine to hibernate or suspend is with the appropriately named pm-hibernate
and pm-suspend
commands[2], so I figured this would be a fairly easy key binding
... , ("C-t C-<Delete>", spawn "pm-suspend") , ("C-t <Delete>", spawn "pm-hibernate") ...
Unfortunately, the pm-*
are root
user commands. And Xmonad doesn't automatically prompt for a password when you do something like su -c pm-suspend
. And, unlike with sudo
, you can't pass a password into su
. So that approach is right out.
I googled around for alternatives for a little while, but What I ended up doing was finally adding myself to the sudo
group, and defining this function for my own nefarious purposes
sudoSpawn command = withPrompt "Password" $ run command where run command password = spawn $ concat ["echo ", password, " | sudo -S ", command]
is another little utility piece I had written for some desktop changers; it's defined as
withPrompt prompt fn = inputPrompt xpConf prompt ?+ fn
The above defined, I can now bind super-user commands to Xmonad keystrokes
... , ("C-t C-<Delete>", sudoSpawn "pm-suspend") , ("C-t <Delete>", sudoSpawn "pm-hibernate") ...
with the caveat that I need to enter my password each time I invoke these. I'll see if that's too annoying. Worst case scenario, I'll pull some trickery to cache it the first time I enter it.
Just in case you care, my complete xmonad.hs
now looks like:
import System.Directory import XMonad import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS import XMonad.Actions.CycleWindows import XMonad.Actions.WindowGo import XMonad.Actions.GridSelect import XMonad.Prompt import XMonad.Prompt.Input import XMonad.Util.EZConfig import XMonad.Util.CustomKeys import qualified XMonad.StackSet as S main = xmonad $ conf `additionalKeysP` [ ("C-t C-d C-b", withFilePrompt "Pic: " bgFolder setDesktopBackground) , ("<Print>", withFilePrompt "Name: " screenshotFolder capToFile) , ("C-t C-<Delete>", sudoSpawn "pm-suspend") , ("C-t <Delete>", sudoSpawn "pm-hibernate") , ("C-t p", spawn "dmenu_run") , ("C-t C-p", spawn "dmenu_run") , ("C-t <Return>", spawn "xterm") , ("C-t e", runOrRaise "emacs" (className =? "Emacs")) , ("C-t C-e", runOrRaise "emacs" (className =? "Emacs")) , ("C-t b", spawn "chromium --proxy-server=\"socks://localhost:9050\" --incognito") , ("C-t C-b", spawn "chromium --proxy-server=\"socks://localhost:9050\" --user-agent=\"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/22.0.1229.94 Safari/537.4\"") , ("C-t s", nextWS) , ("C-t C-s", prevWS) , ("C-t w", toggleWS) , ("C-t C-w", toggleWS) , ("C-t C-t", windowSwap) , ("C-t t", windows S.swapDown) , ("C-t C-j", windows S.swapDown) , ("C-t j", windows S.focusDown) , ("C-t k", windows S.focusUp) , ("C-t C-k", windows S.swapUp) , ("C-t g", goToSelected defaultGSConfig) , ("C-t C-<Space>", sendMessage NextLayout) , ("C-t C-h", sendMessage Shrink) , ("C-t C-l", sendMessage Expand) ] where conf = defaultConfig { XMonad.startupHook = onStartup, modMask = mod4Mask } ---------- Config Options bgFolder = "/home/inaimathi/pictures/backgrounds/" screenshotFolder = "/home/inaimathi/pictures/screenshots/" onStartup :: X () onStartup = do spawn "set-monitors" spawn "pmount /dev/mmcblk0p1" setDesktopBackground "edge-of-the-world.jpg" ---------- Helper Functions setDesktopBackground :: MonadIO m => String -> m () setDesktopBackground pic = spawn $ concat ["feh --no-xinerama --bg-fill ", bgFolder, pic] capToFile :: MonadIO m => String -> m () capToFile picName = spawn $ concat ["import ", screenshotFolder, picName] sudoSpawn command = withPrompt "Password" $ run command where run command password = spawn $ concat ["echo ", password, " | sudo -S ", command] ---------- Utility windowSwap = do windows S.focusDown windows S.swapUp xpConf = defaultXPConfig { position = Top } withPrompt prompt fn = inputPrompt xpConf prompt ?+ fn withCompletingPrompt prompt completions fn = inputPromptWithCompl xpConf prompt comp ?+ fn where comp = mkComplFunFromList completions withFilePrompt prompt directory fn = do files <- liftIO $ getDirectoryContents directory let fs = filter relevant files relevant f = '.' /= head f withCompletingPrompt prompt fs fn
1 - [back] - Granted, because the boot time on that machine is something like 5 minutes instead of the 12 seconds I'm used to waiting, Hibernate is a goddamn necessity, but I digress.
2 - [back] - Ideally, I'd just be using hibernate, but there are some issues. I've upgraded my ram since installing the OS, which means that my swap
partition isn't big enough to store a memory dump, and I can't seem to resize it with gparted
, with or without swapoff
magic. Luckily, I've had a larger hard drive waiting for me to crack open the box and configure it to my liking, so I'll just do that this week rather than procrastinating. In the meantime though, I'm suspend
ing instead.